April Fool's Day (2008 Video)
Another Day Another Snooze-fest
29 April 2009
I don't know who the Butcher Brothers are but I suggest they quit making films and go back to making hamburger in the back room at Kroger!

I mean this movie was bad! All the characters in this movie were worthless spoiled rotten brats and highly irritating, stereotypes all. I think I sprained my eyes from rolling them so much.

All the stars of this junk looked like they were cast using rejected audition tapes stolen from the dumpster outside of the MTV studios.

This movie is about as suspenseful as an episode of Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood and only about half as entertaining.

I make a lot of fun of horror movies being made nowadays to satisfy fourteen year old girls. This is no exception but I seriously doubt fourteen year old girls could handle sitting through this crap!
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