Brain Drain (2009)
SPOILERS probably worst Spanish movie of the decade...
24 April 2009
SPOILERSSSS there's no words to explain the awfulness of this movie, but I will try...

This is a movie where a bunch of Spanish prototypes went to a posh place to demonstrate that we are stupid, obsessed with sex and we cannot behave in public, but in the end doesn't matter cause id you are disabled or blind a girl will feel in love with you...natural charming? where's the script? If you found a relation between sequence and sequence just tell me...

why on earth Antena 3 put Mario Casas, with his weird faces, to star a movie full of close ups of him looking at the floor...

Is so long, TWO HOURS, for the genre and so boring...

Is a total rip off of American pie, Road trip... but without the funny parts...

I wish I get my 2 hors of life back, I'm not a movie hater, but this is beyond hating... this is a War!! Avoid contact, tell your friend and family, tell everyone....

And the worst is that Spanish culture Ministry financed this...
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