Review of Legends

Justice League: Legends (2002)
Season 1, Episode 16
What did he just say?
22 April 2009
This episode is awesome for one line and one line alone:

The Streak: "You're a credit to your people, son."

The Green Lantern: "Uh...thanks."

For context purposes, this line is spoken by a hero called The Streak to The Green Lantern. The Streak is a character from a comic book Green Lantern read as a kid. Flash somehow aborbed some energy from a giant robot and vibrated himself, Green Lantern, Jon Jons, and Hawkgirl into this comic book's world.

Warner Brothers has always hidden clever little innuendos and subtle social commentary in their shows, but this line (showcasing how ignorant comic books could be in the '50s) floored me.
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