To call this movie crap...
15 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
is an insult to a useful fertilizer.

To explain the meandering, pointless plot? Aleister Crowley dies and his spirit transfers, well, somewhere. Meanwhile, a CalTech professor creates a virtual reality program that has been infiltrated by Crowley's persona, taking over a stuttering professor. What follows are a bunch of lame sex scenes (God, the Brits can even make SEX boring!)

The movie has a nice little bit of social satire- That they hit the reset button at the end and announce Crowley might have gotten out in an alternate universe, which is now more evil... then we see a Newspaper that said Al Gore won the election of 2000.

Well, we would have been spared "an Inconvient Truth". I guess that would be a slightly less evil universe...

Seriously, evil is suffering through the length of this movie hoping something interesting will happen. I'm sorry I did.
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