The Captives (2001 Video)
What is wrong with you people?
13 April 2009
I'll just go ahead and assume that anyone who is willing to pay their hard-earned money for a movie called I Spit On Your Corpse would be someone who digs B-horror. Some Matrix-loving tool hating this movie would make perfect sense, but anyone who is familiar with B-horror legends such as Beyond The Darkness, or I Spit On Your Grave should not have a problem with this one, in fact, you should find it downright delightful. So, why all the negative reviews?

Even after reading all the unreliable reviews, curiosity got the best of me, and I bought it. My expectations were of course lowered but wouldn't you know it, this movie is awesome!! Alright, fine, I Spit On Your Corpse was shot on video, big deal, 70% of any half-decent B-horror made over the last 15 years has been shot on video, so get used to it. And don't give me that "boring" nonsense, I know boring B-horror when I see it, probably far better than I should. This movie is not boring, in fact, boredom should be the least of your worries.

Not only is it better than I thought, but much more hardcore, Eric Stanze really pushes it this time. An unlikely revenge story about a killer who has broken out of jail, calls his girlfriend, Sandy, and convinces her to meet him in a house, where he has 3 men tied up in the basement, 3 men who have wronged her. Soon, killer-boyfriend gets it at the hands of tattooed-girlfriend, after making it clear he plans on killing 4 people today. now, alone with her enemies, Sandy has a decision to make, either do what any sane, law-abiding citizen would do, or unleash hellish amounts of torture and humiliation on the low-lifes who at least deserve a portion. The unspeakable acts that follow is simply too gruesome for words... not to say it wasn't funny.

What a rare treat. 21st century exploitation done the right way. I Spit On Your Corpse will make you forget the fact that it's a shot-on-video Sub Rosa specialty. Were looking at a graphic throwback to the glory days of gore & trash. I found this one to be even better than the only other Stanze film I've seen, Ice From The Sun, which is what surprised me the most. Some of the reviews I've read have specified that this isn't a sequel to I Spit On Your Grave, as if that would be an insult to the legendary original, well guess what gang, I Spit On Your Grave ain't all that anyway, yeah I said it. So, never mind all the negative reviews. Take a chance on an under dog, and you might find I Spit On Your Corpse to be exactly what you were looking for. 8/10
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