Bland Globe-trotting Tom Clancy/James Bond Wannabe Thriller
12 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Stolen Russian nukes are up for grabs in the George Clooney & Nicole Kidman escapade "The Peacemaker," a sloppy but serviceable global thriller that drowns its audience in sentiment rather than buoys them with entertainment. Director Mimi Leder in her cinematic debut struggles with a second-hand, warmed over story. The cliffhanger predicaments and their resolutions emerge as more hackneyed and pretentious than virile and exciting. Enough with these adventure sagas set in the new Russia! Few surprises enliven this downbeat, humorless, technical Tom Clancy clone. Although "The Peacemaker" boasts a couple of decent scenes, the film grovels under a heavy-handed script, dull villains and equal opportunity his'n her plotting.

The Michael ("Crimson Tide") Schiffer screenplay follows the strenuous efforts of U.S. Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel Tom Devoe (George Clooney of "ER") and scientist Dr. Julia Kelly (Nicole Kidman of "Far & Away") to recover 10 nukes that corrupt Soviet General Aleksandr Kodoroff (Aleksandr Baluyev 0f "Deep Impact") has purloined. The action ignites with sizzling promise as a team of commandos armed with machine guns and night goggles stages a daring night train robbery. With the red laser beam sighting systems on their guns and the twinkle of red from their night vision equipment, they manage to evoke an evil, sinister look. General Kodoroff explodes one of the nukes to delay the response time of the authorities, so his henchmen and he can spirit the stolen warheads out of Mother Russia.

Meanwhile, an assassin guns down a member of the Bosnian parliament scheduled to attend a United Nations peace conference. Piano teacher Dusan Gavrich (Marcel Iures of "Hart's War") replaces him. Dusan's wife and child die as innocent bystanders in a street shooting; Dusan resolves to spread the tragedy of Bosnia beyond his borders so the world can experience his pain and anguish. His cohorts lay claim to one of Kodoroff's nukes. Dusan intends to sneak a warhead into the United States and trigger it at the United Nations. Consequently, as one of the members of the Bosnian diplomatic team, Dusan represents the title character.

"The Peacemaker" evolved from journalistic exposes by political reporters Andrew and Leslie Cockburn. Schiffer's predictable script recycles familiar elements from the 1983 James Bond thriller "Octopussy" where the villains attempted a nuclear blast to inflame the anti-nuclear protest groups and compel Western nuclear disarmament. Of course, "The Peacemaker" occurs against the backdrop of the anything goes 'new' Russia, a setting a little overdone recently by "GoldenEye," "The Saint," "Crimson Tide," and "The Hunt for Red October." The stolen nukes theme can be traced back to the 1965 Bond epic "Thunderball" as well as the more recent John Travolta extravaganza "Broken Arrow." The reliance on satellite technology as well as cooperation between the military and civilians at the highest levels of the government has the Clancy imprimatur inscribed on it. Little more than Jack Ryan with a sex change, Nicole Kidman's Dr. Julia Kelly combines literary detective Nancy Drew with the sexy 1960s TV heroine Honey West.

Feminist touches such as allowing the characters to savor quiet moments when they can cry are out of character for this kind of adventure that DreamWorks has served up. "The Peacemaker" could be accurately described as a macho chase melodrama that collides with a soapy chick flick. Quite often Leder aims for the cerebellum when she should smash the solar plexus. The best scenes in "The Peacemaker" bristle with volatile action. Nevertheless, even they falter between the lack of zip in the directing and the absence of zing in the plot.

Composer Hans Zimmer deserves credit for a strident but pulsating instrumental score that effectively strokes the film's action sequences. The demolition derby in the streets of Vienna is still a yawner, marginally redeemed by Clooney's bad boy antics. Clooney's Lt. Col. Devoe cannot miss a shot until the end of the movie when he fails inexplicably to nail a full-sized man scrambling past him in an alley! If sobbing heroes and heroines aren't enough, director Leder and scenarist Schiffer deploy a villain who is more of a sob than an S.O.B. As Dusan Gavrich, Iures creates a bland antagonist. He resembles the later horror movie icon Boris Karloff, and he looks incredibly lugubrious with his totem mask of a face. There's nothing charismatic about Dusan, so the filmmakers have stacked the cards in this drama against themselves. You cannot really hate the Dusan Gavrich character in a way that a great villain should be despised.

When Leder stresses the human elements in "The Peacemaker," she allows her audience to think instead of react. Thinking audiences are less susceptible to the hokey roller-coaster machinations that convulse "The Peacemaker." In a good adventure movie, audiences mentally dodge what the heroes must physically evade. Moreover, members at an action movie are better served when they flinch instead of furrow their brows. Otherwise, they'd realize how phony the predicaments are and that they could never occur in real life. Our heroes deduce who the terrorist is with a nuke in his backpack, but they underestimate him so often that their efforts strike a ludicrous note. When somebody dies in the line of action, our hero and heroine break down and cry.

Even the title "The Peacemaker" with its inherent irony not only conveys little pizazz, but also its significance may be lost on audiences. Director Leder well-intentioned message about the horrors of a nuclear blast would make a better disaster of the week television movie than a globe-trotting Clancy/Bond wannabe thriller. Undiscriminating audiences looking for a distracting bit of action with exotic scenery and juvenile heroes may appreciate "The Peacemaker" until the tragedy dampens the aura of escapism. Veteran action adventure moviegoers will find "The Peacemaker" more disappointing than tolerable. For all the film's smart moves and cool looking imagery, "The Peacemaker" is too derivative to be a milestone in the thriller genre.
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