Review of Red Dawn

Red Dawn (1984)
Confessions of a Socialist
12 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First of all; this movie is a bore. Normally you're around 20 minutes into a movie before the main plot starts. screen writers use this time to establish the main characters, their way of life, what they are like etcetera... this movie starts right after the credits with the invasion and it doesn't stop till the end (the movies lasts for 2 hours!!!). Maybe this sounds awesome now, but unfortunately it's nothing else then one cliché action scene arbitrarily added on the next. The only remotely thrilling scene is the one where the kids hide from a soviet patrol behind some rocks and get caught.

And could somebody tell me how the kids were able to mutate into rebel soldiers?Just by playing in the woods?

There's one more thing that I can't ignore regarding the other reviews: the politics of the movie. So please allow me one question: RD is about a high school football team fighting off the soviet invasion, right? Am I a communist because I think that's stupid???? Some said Red Dawn wouldn't dehumanize the Russians. Doesn't the movie start with soviet soldiers shooting young high school students? (I have to add; these students were actually unarmed, unlike these days). Isn't that at least a little one-sided? Did somebody really need a propaganda flick like this to feel good about themselves again? But hey, that's just me and I'm a European wimp, a godless socialist, a Robert Redforf fan and whatever else comes to your mind.
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