Muppet Babies (1984–1991)
Happy Spot. Sweet Childhood Memories
9 April 2009
It's cute, it's funny, I love it. When people say 80's cartoon. They think of the action adventure ones like THE REAL GHOSTBUSTERS, HE-MAN, THUNDERCATS, SILVERHAWKS, NINJA TURTLES, the awesome TRANSFORMERS or the perilous DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS. The ones aimed for girls (but annoyed boys) like JEM! (ech) MY LITTLE PONIES (double ech), STRAWBERRY SHORTCKAKE (tripple ech what the writer of this review is a boy). Or the funny ones like SMURFS, INSPECTOR GADGET, Saturday SUPERCADE and HEATHCLIFF. This was one of the funny ones. This was before RUGRATS. There are a lot of rip-offs by cartoons studios (like Hanna Barabera) where classic cartoon characters are depicted as youngsters. As if they got dumped in the Fountain of Youth. MUPPET BABIES is the best of them all (not to mention that it is the one that started it all).

I used to watch this when I was a kid. This came after BEARNSTIEN BEARS. I loved it. Kermit and Gonzo were my favorites. Every time when my brother and I were going out to get our shoes on and waiting for Dad (we were kids back then), we sang the theme song. I remember some friends of ours had stuffed dolls of the characters. They were cute. I had four puzzles of cartoon characters. There was Gonzo, Kermit, Chilly Willy, and Woody Woodpecker. I like the Kermit one because Woody was a trouble maker. Memories aside, this show inspires children on what do when you have nothing to do and encourages imagination and creativity. I mean look at James "Angry Video Game Nerd" Rolfe. His Basement of Doom attraction for his Haunted House was inspired by one. All I have to say is this is the best show ever made. Because the episode, "Out of this World History" contains footage from 1925 classic THE LOST WORLD which inspires me to look at movies with fun, excitement and special effects! Every time I watch this show now-a-days, I play this game called "Guess the film footage" or "Name that movie that is featured." I have a blast and I love to relive the magic.

Now what caused me to watch these on YouTube? Because I saw too old animes created by Fuji F. Fujiko: PERMAN and KAIBUTSUKUN. If it wasn't for that show, I would not find my happy spot. They are so simple, that they they reminded me of MUPPET BABIES. Google those up you're on the internet.

I wish this show is on DVD.

Bottom line: Highly Recommend it. Screw Spongebob and other crap on TV these days.
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