Brilliant character driven anime with extreme second season potential if I ever saw one.
8 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is a masterpiece of an anime, and I'm very picky about the anime I watch so for those words to come out of my mouth is saying something. It's 26 episodes of pure genius. Okay, 25 episodes with one w.t.f. ending, but I'll rant on that later. This is a character driven show more than anything because plot wise its stupid as hell, but the brilliant characters save this show ten times over. It's about seven friends that are members of a high school host club in a prestigious, filthy rich school. This host club entertains women; however, one of the host is a women.She's the main character and the other characters antics are mostly seen from her eyes. Haruhi is a poor student on an academic scholarship. She's intelligent, assertive, nice, practical, calm, and the real cincher not a scantily clad b*tch or a vomit inducing marysue.When you have 99% of anime's featuring females being damsels in distresses to the point that you want to puke, and then when a rare anime comes along with the main female character being as far from a mary-sue that you can get, you get a bit giddy. Anyway, she looks like a boy because of an incident involving her hair and gum, and she joins the host club at first out of being forced. She broke an expensive vase and to pay of her debt she joins as a male. Of course the others find out which is humorous in itself. However, her being forced to put up with these rich fools, and their insane antics changes and everyone becomes more than best friends. They become a family.

This anime is very humorous, very witty, but knows when to get serious when it calls for it. The main characters are each different and bring their own personality and back-stories to the table. The music is catchy and the animation is nice to look at. The show makes fun of every Japanese cliché in the book even within the main characters and amusedly so. However, the downside of this anime is the ending. You don't make a brilliant character driven show like this and end it like that. If a show ever needed a season two this is one of those shows. Trust me. There is a manga, but once you've seen these wonderful characters voiced and animated and all their adorable, sad, and romantic antics come to life a manga cannot fill that void. Believe me once you finish being peeved off like I was at the unfulfilling ending, and then it slowly sinks in that there is not going to be another season to resolve it, the withdrawal symptoms hurt and they hurt bad lol. In all seriousness though this anime is d*mn near perfect, and even though the ending left me wanting I don't regret watching this show and its extremely endearing characters one bit.
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