8 April 2009
I imagine you have seen or at least heard of the anime/manga "Death Note". I'm not gonna spoil anything about "Death Note", but as you can imagine, as with every spin-off, you have one major character from "Death Note" appearing in this movie.

This character is none other than "L". A mysterious but very funny character, with some very weird and funny addiction habits. I don't know if this spin-off is based on an anime too, but I can say, that apart from a really fresh and exciting beginning, this movie lacks many things from the original "Death Note" (series). The actor who plays "L" (the same guy who played him in Death Note too) is fantastic in his role depiction. True to his anime roots, but only as much as the story allows him to be.

And there lies the problem. This movie is way too serious (a few absurd moments still exist) and way too dramatic. A shame then, that the thriller elements can't save the movie either. The best moments lie in the comedy or character (mostly L) bits, but even those can't save the movie entirely. My tip: Watch both "Death Note" movies and the anime series instead!
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