Review of Manchild

Manchild (2002–2003)
This series doesn't do much for me
5 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The idea for this series is interesting, but I had a hard time buying into it that these rich, often spoiled, 50-something men were all swanning around together to begin with.

Of the men, 2 are divorced, one seems never to have been married and one is married. They all hang out together in their seemingly extensive leisure time, drive fancy cars, inhabit big houses and seem to be focused on picking up chicks 25 years their juniors.

The acting is good enough, but I mostly had a problem with the premise, the plot-lines and the set ups.

The narration throughout each episode was bothersome to me since it is mostly a bunch of pretentious drivel about the stages of a man's life and how it relates to sex. Perhaps it's meant to be ironic and expose the character of one of the main characters, but if so it's not particularly funny or ironic. It keeps droning on in the same pretentious way throughout the episode and if it's supposed to add a light-hearted touch it utterly fails. This kind of thing works better in the Sex and the City universe than it does here.

I don't particularly know men that chum around together in the way that these guys do. Maybe it's different in London, but the chatter that fills each episode didn't strike me as especially authentic or likely for men that I know. Who wrote this stuff? I also noticed in the IMDb ratings that women of all ages rated this show much, much more highly than men did. Maybe this show isn't really targeted to men or meant to represent them, but is instead targeted at appealing to womens' conceptions of men or their projections onto them.

In any case, I can see why the show only lasted a few seasons. It's an unusual subject for TV to tackle sex-obsessed, gossipy, Peter Pan-syndrome middle-aged men, but maybe there is a reason for the lack of shows like this one. I'd guess that most average people will not find these shows very authentic or interesting, but mostly pretentious, unfunny and bizarre.
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