Fighting Back (I) (1982)
Cool 80s Urban Vigilante Schlock
30 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
How disappointing this isn't available on DVD. It seems people are even absurdly inspired by "Fighting Back", judging from wannabe vigilante "Legend_In_The_Making"'s comments, (thinks it's a friggin 10 star classic). I consider this as good badfilm, nothing more. I remember back in the 80s, this was one of those films HBO would show constantly - must have been cheap for them!

Some very classic moments - the plot provides plenty of reasons for Tom Skeritt's character John D'Angelo to vent his righteous rage - the old lady getting her finger cut off for her wedding ring - the family dog found hung in the shower by thugs, and the neighborhood pimp who calls John D'Angelo's wife a bitch, and then tells JA "a man who can't control his woman can't control his bowels - he shits his pants." Oh no he din't!!

The crime in the area becomes so bad that John D'Angelo forms a "citizen's patrol", complete with a bad-ass modified ex-police car and a black member so you'll know that the urban paranoia at least isn't racist. I won't reveal any more, but suffice it to say that I really miss this film, and much of it is indelibly etched into my memory.

This movie is so over the top, I would recommend it to anyone like me who enjoys the unintended humor in this type of genre. Good luck finding it on VHS. I give it the five stars (out of ten) that it so richly deserves.
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