Body and Soul (1947)
Let's Beat Each Other's Brains Out
26 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Why anyone would pay good money to watch a boxing movie is beyond me. Why anyone would pay money to watch any sports movie is also beyond me. Sports movies, especially boxing movies, have very little to say beyond, "Look how much punishment I can take and look how big a dope I am for even stepping in the ring!" "Body and Soul" has all the common clichés that one would expect from a rope-a-dope film: 1) the boxer with a low I.Q; 2) the disapproving mother; 3) the smart girlfriend that likes the boxer for God-knows-whatever reasons; 4) the crooked boxing promoter; 5) the death of a fighter that should know better; 6) athletes knowingly submitting to a crooked system; 7) managers manipulating fighters for their own benefit. This movie tries to tackle too much territory. If you watch it, prepare for you brain to take a "slugging" and come away from it punch drunk.
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