Better Late Than Never (1979 TV Movie)
Very Good
22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie came on one weekend and I missed the title.

Thankfully, it was full of familiar faces, among them Harold Gould, Tyne Daly, Victor Buono, Jeanette Nolan, George Gobel, to name a few.

It was basically old folks breaking out of a home because Tyne Daly ran the place like she didn't want the residents to think for themselves.

Gould was the ringleader of the breakout gang. Their plan was to go to a remote village somebody knew about, rather obscure, and just live out their lives there.

Unfortunately, once they got there, they found the place a virtual ghost town.

Amusing in its unpredictability. I like when characters say one thing, then end up having to do another.

Meg Wyllie was Daly's right-hand woman who would try to cajole the other guests into doing what Daly wanted.

When the time came to depart, Wyllie found herself dragged along for the adventure.

Victor Buono was initially opposed to the venture, but at the last minute, decided he could listen to Daly no longer.

Daly and Gould were, to paraphrase his last name, pure gold.

Daly would constantly threaten the residents, such as Gould, to send them to a more destitute retirement community and held this over their heads to make them behave.

Gould, finally deciding he had had enough at the end, told Daly he would gladly go to this intimidating retirement center just to get away from her.

Too hilarious.

It's been well over a quarter of a century since I've seen this gem, but I can still remember so much of it even now.

Gobel's last-minute appearance at the end clearly hinted that someone anticipated a spin off TV series, which alas, didn't take place.

But this one stands just fine on its own.
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