Offside (2006)
Typical Iranian Film - Extremely Boring - Nothing Happens...
17 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I find this film very boring, like almost all the Iranian cinema I have watched.

Despite Iran's political stance, Iranians have a reputation for making world-beating cinema. I must have missed that meeting, because every Iranian film I've seen has been a complete and utter snoozefest, and Offside is no exception.

With the film mostly set at Azadi stadium in Tehran, the scenery hardly changes, meaning that the brunt of the film needs to be carried by the actors, playing their characters in a humorous and entertaining way. On the whole, they fail to achieve the entertainment factor, meaning that like the characters in the film, I really wanted to see what was going on in the match itself.

Of all the Iranian films I've seen, this one is by no means the worst. I just find it ridiculous that Iranian cinema is seen as an art-house leader, when at the end of the day, it's the same old boring rubbish.
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