A refreshing break from other Korean films.
16 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Most Korean movies seem to fall into three genres; romantic comedy, mob fighting action movie, or family conflict drama. Thankfully, this movie is none of the above. There were only a couple scenes where there was the typical-Korean-movie-over-emotional-melodrama. Also, many Korean movies are obvious knock-offs of more popular Hollywood productions. While this movie is similar to K-Pax, is different enough to only bear a slight resemblance.

The movie provides some good social commentary about the selfish nature of Korean society. The main character goes into a dissociative fugue after he experiences a great tragedy that might have been prevented if only bystanders had helped.

The movie was also helped by it's bittersweet ending. Overall, I'd say this is most definitely one of the better Korean movies I've seen, a refreshing break from the usual stayed Korean formulas.
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