A unique film that is both one of the best ever made and one of the dullest. Those willing to try it will be haunted by it
15 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Hans-Jürgen Syberberg's mammoth meditation of Hitler and the German people who brought him to power is something that is only possible to describe as a physical entity.One can not truly explain what effect that it will have on the viewer. Its a four part film who's total running time is close to seven hours Total almost anti-cinematic with static sets, actors playing multiple roles, puppets, music, audio and video of the 1930's and 40's, narration and a dream logic that makes this more film as immersion tank rather than as narrative film. Its the sort of thing that one can not hope to grasp in a single viewing simple because there is too much to grasp and because things don't connect until you've gotten all the way to the end. (As the Movie Habit website said: "...much like a going to a Wagnerian opera. It's long, loud, and at any given moment it seems not to know where it's going. But when you get to the end, you know you've been someplace special.") Its a film that is clearly a work of art both pretentious and glorious. Actually this is a film that is all things at once good and bad, riveting and sleep inducing, masterful and amateurish. It is a film that is unlike any other that I've ever seen, not only in style but in effect, I was both bored by the film and utterly captivated.

It is nothing so much as a head trip of the highest order. This is not a film of facts but of ideas.. Its an examination of what brought Hitler to power, could the national view of a classically romantic Germany have been the cause? At the same time what does all of this say about ourselves? 30 years on with the change of American politics from a less then simple democracy into battles of cults of personality are we heading toward something similar with the idealized ways of seeing the world that our leaders ask us to believe blinding us to the road to ruin? Its something to consider.

Is it a great film? yes, I think it is. I don't know how many people will have the endurance to get to the end of the film owing to its often static nature, and heady discussions, but for those who are daring it is a unique experience, once that will haunt you around the edges.

I think the best way to describe the film is to answer the question how is it? Yes, yes it is. (Meaning however you think the film is thats what it is) It is a masterpiece since its constantly provoking a reaction
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