Crap... Utter Crap
13 March 2009
Okay so we have yet another remake that fails to attempt anything beyond your standard slasher flick. Let's see we have your stereotypical drunk teens, a crazy guy with a mask and a knife, the token black and Asian guys, the cheesy love triangle between two main characters, the asshole jock kid who turns out to be a pansy, and of course lots of uninspired death scenes, and a couple sex scenes for good measure. There you go the whole of the movie, every slasher cliché is present and accounted for, so when you go watch this be prepared for two hours of crap you've seen before. I have this to say, if you want to make or re-make slasher flicks give it to Rob Zombie, he's perfect for it, I mean look what he did with Halloween he gave it depth and story, made it interesting and hell he even threw in a couple clichés to stay true to the genre. All in all don't waste time or money on this, it should be buried somewhere and left to rot.
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