The Code (I) (2009)
Thick as Thieves
5 March 2009
Thick as Thieves is pretty much as lousy as heist films get. It's lazy, derivative, and really quite offensive in the way it leans back in your favourite chair, flicks cigarette ash on your carpet while smirking at you and telling you there's nothing you can do to stop it as you've already paid your money.

The twists are both of everyone's least-favourite flavour: one you can spot a mile off and the other one - while unexpected - you won't give a hoot about. The heist too is lazy, but by that point you won't be surprised even if you can remember all the talk of it being an impossible job. Your expectations will be so low you'll tell yourself it's par for the course. Both Morgan Freeman (usually reliable) and Antonio Banderas (usually intolerable) coast by with just the pilot light on, totally lacking chemistry, and only Radha Mitchell comes away with any kind of credibility, doing decent work and putting in far more effort than her underwritten character deserves.
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