Good if your kids are very, very young and easily amused...
1 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This movie tells the story about Tutu and his big brother Zef and their search for a new family once their mother goes to "the rainbow." Zef, being the older brother, doesn't want to tell Tutu the truth and tries to focus them on finding a new family and avoiding the "Badness." Along the way they meet many new animal friends that help them.

While I appreciated the use of live action as opposed to animation, it was just all too dopey and ridiculous to follow. The movie was unintentionally funny due to the strange choices of voices (we thought Tutu was a girl for the first 20-30 minutes)and the corny writing. For example, Tutu is obsessed about finding the rainbow and thinks anything multi-colored is a rainbow (hot air balloon, candy, etc.). Also, every animal they meet has lost their mother so every animal they meet gets depressed because they have no mother.

Perhaps if my kids were younger they would have bought the cheesy lines and dumb scenarios these animals got themselves into...we only watched the whole movie for the humor value at a certain point.
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