Taking Chance (2009 TV Movie)
Well made but annoying tear-jerker
1 March 2009
If you take a bit of distance from the subject matter of this movie you can see the movie for what it really is. A tear-jerking slow journey of a depressed man with a corpse. The movie is almost an commercial for the US army, apart from the fact that this time it does make clear that you might not survive your tour of duty.

If you can stand 1,5 hours of tears next to a coffin, then this is your movie. It has good production values, well acted, beautiful images of the US and you know the ending of the movie before it even started so no thinking required.

My biggest complained about this movie is the extreme focus on trying to make the audience cry. This is so over the top that i one point i expected the corpse to come out of the coffin to plead for more tears from the viewers. In fact after about 4 of the salute the coffin and cry scenes it became unintentionally funny.

Yes the movies is about nationalism, war and dead but keep in mind, this is a movie, there is no one in the coffin and the crew is eating donuts while Mr. beacon tries to produce enough tears to last the 90 minutes of the movie.

I give it the TearJeker of the century award.
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