Before the Fresh Prince, there was... Sanchez
24 February 2009
I can't believe nobody seems to remember Sanchez of Bel-Air. Not suggesting that the show was particularly memorable, and it certainly was not particularly good. But it was a key part of an era of cable when USA Network was getting its legs, long before they began showing "Law & Order" repeats or developing decent shows like "Monk." You could turn to USA back in the mid-80s and watch some real low-rent productions, of which "Sanchez" was one. The three that stick out in my mind — original productions of the network from this time period — are "Sanchez," "Check It Out" with Don Adams running a supermarket, and "Madame's Place" featuring puppet superstar combo Wayland Flowers and Madame. Otherwise, the network was good for "USA Up All Night" and game-show repeats before GSN came around.

As for Sanchez, I mainly remember pretty lame humor and overly excited canned laughter. But I never was able to think of "The Fresh Prince" without thinking first of you, Sanchez.
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