Stargate: Atlantis: First Strike (2007)
Season 3, Episode 20
Beautiful CGI
20 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This episode constitutes an extremely enjoyable season finale. However, where it really stands out is in the frankly stunning CGI that is used. Best of all is the scene showing The Horizon weapon being launched from The Apollo into the atmosphere of the Replicator's home world, travelling through re-entry, deploying the missiles which then strike the surface and explode is encompassed in one "take", the viewer/camera being allowed to drift round from several positions whilst continuously following the weapon from start to finish of its mission. It is outstanding. On top of this, later in the episode, there is an absolutely beautiful view of Atlantis at sunset, picked out in brown and gold, and then of course, the sequence with the Replicator's satellite beam striking the city shield. Whilst the story is thoroughly engaging, the visuals really make this a memorable piece of television.
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