not nearly as sleazy as the DVD cover suggests, and all the worst for it
17 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
After Molly lets her thieving nut-job of a younger sister, Susan, stay at her and her husband's place after she gets kicked out of her house, she falls in lust with Molly's hubby and hires a contract killer to off her, but the doofus kills Susan by accident instead. So now she's a ghost trying to avenge her own death (that was pretty much all her fault anyway) and haunt Molly as well.

This film just plays to it's own film 'logic' be it the hapless hit-man who shoots at a ghost he can't hit multiple times, or Molly's total nonchalance that her sister's ghost is haunting them, if you're looking for a film that makes sense you'd do better to look elsewhere. Actually if you're looking for a good movie you'd also do better looking elsewhere. This film may seem like sleazy brainless fun on the onset, it wears it's welcome out very quickly.

My Grade: D

Eye Candy: Ena Henderson gets topless; Lee Darling shows T&A

Media Blasters DVD Extras: a triple-feature combo trailer for Posed for Murder, the Disturbance & Death Collecter; and trailers for "Somewhere, Tomorrow", "Just Before Dawn", "Emanuelle and the Last Cannibals", "the Premonition", "The Thrill Killers", "One Dark Knight", "the Oracle", "One Missed Call", "Red Wolf", & "Rat Pfink & boo boo"
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