Term of Trial (1962)
A Difficult Subject
15 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't seen this movie for a good many years so my comments and rating are very much a shot from the hip. I had even forgotten the title and in my memory had given the starring role to Micheal Hordern.

I only watched it once on television sometime in the 1970's or 1980's, by which time the gritty genre of 'kitchen sink drama' had begun to lose its edge and appeal.

However, even as a young adult it had me completely riveted. It's Lawrence Olivier who plays a tortured soul with a dysfunctional marriage to a wife he cannot sexual gratify and who never loses an opportunity to scorn him with her frustration. As a teacher in a 'secondary school' he attempts to teach kids not just what to think, but how to think, which is surely what teaching is all about. One pubescent girl shows a little academic promise, and his partiality towards her efforts go misconstrued on her part. She develops a crush on him which he rather clumsily dismisses.

Hell hath no fury. She makes a false allegation to the police that he indecently assaulted her whilst on a school trip. He is arrested. His treatment at the hands of the police and other authorities is terrifying. The girl's testimony is accepted without question and he goes to trial. Towards the end, he breaks down in court, and the girl - at last realising the harm she has done - confesses to the lies she has told. He is freed.

But there's no smoke without fire. His career is irretrievably blighted. He is tainted goods to the other staff. His wife belittles him all the more that he wasn't man enough even to take advantage of this girl. The only way he can keep her is to admit the lie that he really did commit the crimes for which he was accused.

As I say; it is many years since I saw this movie and my evaluation today may be more critical. But it certainly had a powerful impact upon me at the time, just like 'The Browning Version', of which I now have the copy and find to be just as good as my former memories.

Well worth a watch if the chance avails - especially if you're a teacher, or considering this as a career.
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