Review of Funny Money

Funny Money (2006)
One of the worst farces I've ever seen in my life
12 February 2009
"Funny Money" is trying to be a slapstick farce, that style of comedy based on misunderstandings and incredible coincidences that put the characters into increasingly ridiculous predicaments as the story progresses. Farcical films are usually based on farcical plays. This kind of comedy is really, really difficult to pull off on the stage, and near impossible to get right on film. Blake Edwards got it about right in films like "A Shot in the Dark" and Peter Bogdonavich's adaptation of "Noises Off" wasn't bad. But the list of farce films that work is very short. Not only must the writing and performances be 100% right on the money, as they do on the stage, but the visual pacing, shooting style and editing also have to be 100% right. If any one of those things is off, the film goes on another list--the "totally sucks" list. And this film,"Funny Money," also based upon a stage play, has to be at the top of that totally sucks list. It fails on every count imaginable and is one of the most painful attempts at this kind of humor I've ever sat through. I'd like to say that a better, more experienced filmmaker could have made this better, but I have suspicions that the original play it was based upon sucked as well (based upon the incredible depths of suckage this thing reaches).
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