An amusingly cruddy piece of supernatural horror soap opera junk
4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Conniving and duplicitous tramp Susan (luscious brunette Ena Henderson) tries to have her sweet older sister Molly (the equally gorgeous blonde Lee Darling) killed so she have Molly's hunky husband Jeff (the dorky Ron Moriarty) all to herself. Things go awry when hit-man John (ponytailed and pockmarked wonder Daniel Martine) bumps off Susan instead. However, Susan's pesky evil spirit returns to haunt both Molly and Jeff. Boy, does this hilariously horrendous hoot possess all the right wrong stuff to qualify as a super stinky serving of stupid schlock: We've got flimsy (mis)direction by Donald M. Jones (who also gave us such goodies as "Schoolgirls in Chains" and "The Forest"), a poky pace, static cinematography by Robert L. Parker, clumsy attempts at silly humor, a cheesy synthesizer score by Richard Hieronymus, a ridiculous and meandering story that becomes more laughably ludicrous as it unfolds (the last third with Susan returning from the grave is especially sidesplitting in its jaw-dropping idiocy), chintzy (not so) special effects, poor acting from a lame no-name cast, and a dumb script that blends elements of supernatural horror hokum and trashy soap opera melodramatics in the most moronic and ham-fisted way imaginable. Of course, there's also a dab of tasty distaff nudity and a sprinkling of mild soft-core sex to further spice up the cinematic brew. This gloriously ghastly celluloid atrocity basically plays like a painfully extended feature length special Halloween horror-themed episode of a third-rate daytime TV soap. Fans of entertainingly tacky obscure dreck should get a kick out of watching this howler.
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