You Belong to Me (2008 TV Movie)
Give it Up After the first half
2 February 2009
The first half of this TV film is pretty good. OK, well at least it is watchable and interesting. However, right at the 56 minute point, the film takes a turn that makes the rest of it almost unwatchable. The actors seem to know the story has gone astray, because their once fine acting in it, becomes really sophomoric. While not a total waste of time, it comes very close. Too bad! Shannon Elizabeth, Christian Campbell (Neve's real life brother) and the actor who plays Chris really deserve better than this piece of junk! It's also unfortunate, though understandable, for the actors and actresses who are in films for the first time. This won't look good on their resumes. Save time, look for another LIFETIME film to watch. Some are quite good, but this one isn't.
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