Against the Dark (2009 Video)
Needs 'tighter' editing (not bad, not great, either)
29 January 2009
A lot of doubts i had with AGAINST THE DARK were confirmed when i watched it. It's general ideas are outweighed by (obvious) budget restraints. Although, for a low budget STV release, it was OK. The look of the movie (cinematography, music and FX were all competent) It just needs tighter editing, and maybe a few more 'sub-plots (something i thought i'd never ask for, given the over-abundance of 'filler-plots' in more recent 'Seagal' movies) For once, a bit more plot wouldn't go amiss (other than people wandering around corridors, waiting to be attacked....then rescued....the end) David Cronenberg pulled off a similar trick in SHIVERS, by adding 'offbeat' dialogue and situations. The director of AGAINST THE DARK, is no Cronenberg And i'm sure you know by now, that although billed as a 'Seagal' flick, his screen time amounts to about a third of the running time (although, the fragmented plot ensures that nearly most of the cast, are only ever seen roughly the same length also) Seagal is fine in the role of Tao, master swordsman and vigilante, and one can only sit back and wish that he had more screen time and more 'ass-kicking' to do (but he does do a fair amount here) The other actors around him, are OK, but nothing to right home about either.

I was surprised at the 'gore' factor (quite Romero-ish, in places) but hardly anything to keep KNB awake at night. With a little bit of editing, and more 'choice' dialogue, this movie could have easily held it's head up amongst the likes of lower ranked 'zombie-fare' like DIARY OF THE DEAD or 28 WEEKS LATER. As it is though, it's (sadly) a horror movie, whose 'sole' attraction is a 'star' (who is hardly in it) It's still a lot better than KILL SWITCH though! Big Lee gives AGAINST THE DARK a 7 out of 10 (only for the presence of the 'Stout Sensei')
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