Something wholly unique and wonderful...
1 February 2009
Acts of compassion in a sweet charade. A small town man named Lars, so isolated from human contact that he recoils from love and sympathy of any kind, stuns his brother and sister-in-law with the news he met a woman on the internet--unfortunately, she's really a sex doll Lars imagines to be the perfect girl for him. Ryan Gosling delivers a fully-realized lead performance; shying away from friends and family for fear of being pitied, his quirky half-smiles and quick movements tell people, "leave me be." It's a character we come to know so well, we can anticipate his feelings and reactions without getting broad hints (it's Oscar-caliber work). Also fantastic, Paul Schneider and Emily Mortimer as Lars' family and Kelli Garner as a co-worker with a little crush. They all fall in love with "Bianca" as a favor to their hermit friend, until that time comes when he may not need her anymore. Melancholic comedy-drama from screenwriter Nancy Oliver and director Craig Gillespie is a true original: never condescending, almost maddeningly even-keeled and sweetly judged, the picture works best if approached as a modern fairy tale (cynics, or those seeking realism, need not apply). Lars' emergence from the cocoon is lovely to behold, and the film is winning, touching, and funny. ***1/2 from ****
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