Review of Irina Palm

Irina Palm (2007)
A small film, but entertaining
29 January 2009
It seems Belgian director Sam Garbarski didn't set out to make an English movie (the script was originally written by Phillipe Blasband in French) but even with a diverse cast and continental locations he has produced one. Marianne Faithful's performance as the slightly out of it middle aged widow who becomes a hand job operative in a Soho sex shop to earn money for her sick grandson's operation is wonderfully judged. She has to do this in secret, of course, under the nom de hand "Irina Palm" for this is England and she would suffer terminal embarrassment were her family or friends to find out what she is up to. In France, on the other hand, it might not matter so much.

Despite the sordid nature of "Irina's" fund raising efforts, this is a comedy-drama, not soft porn and the exposition is tastefully done – no graphic images are employed. The other main performances fit the fairly gentle tone, even the veteran Serbian actor Miki Manjlovic as the sex shop owner. The plot, as the makers admit, is a bit of a fairy tale, but satisfying nevertheless, and we can't help wishing "Irina" as well. I did wonder about her customers though. Paying for sex is at bottom, so to speak, pretty pathetic, even for someone with Erina's professional skill, and the film makes little attempt to look at the situation from the customer's viewpoint, though we do get the impression the customers are satisfied. Weirdly, Marianne Faithful is descended from the Sacher-Masoch family, but her character does not dish out pain here. A small film but pleasant and entertaining.
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