Arrested Development: Sword of Destiny (2005)
Season 2, Episode 15
More magic from Arrested Development
25 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Sword of Destiny is season 2's answer to Storming the Castle (from season 1); both focus on GOB trying to get his failed magic career back on track. GOB's acting and showy dancing, and use of the song The Final Countdown, are much-loved among Arrested Development fans. In particular, I like GOB accidentally cutting himself with a trick sword and making less sense as he loses blood. But there's more to the episode than this. The episode also addresses a flaw of Michael, the mostly normal central character; specifically, how he's a control freak. Anyone with similar problems can relate. The episode suggests he got it from Lucille, which is an interesting insight into how Michael is his mother's son, since the two are not usually close.

The episode guest stars Dan Castellaneta, best known as the voice of Homer Simpson in The Simpsons, as Dr. Frank Stein. He's delightfully over the top as he takes medical risks with his patients. Also over the top- this time, maybe a little *too* over the top- is Ben Stiller as Tony Wonder. The joke about him is that he's made out to be a better magician than he actually is. Sword of Destiny definitely isn't my favourite season 2 episode, but it's still pretty good, carrying on the running joke of characters having to go to the hospital, this time when George Michael accidentally hits Michael with a car. Why would anyone reject that?
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