Against the Dark (2009 Video)
Tao the Zombie Hunter
19 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The movie begins with the word: Infect and a dictionary definition. Then we have flashes of bloody hands and entrails ripping. Are we in Romero territory here? Well not really. After a mysterious "virus" causes most of the population to become blood drinking flesh eaters what we have is Big Steve and his band of sword and automatic weapon carrying "hunters" doing most of the military's work for them slip sliding around killing never ending bands of fast moving vampire/zombies who can be recognized by their blood all over their mouth growling behavior. Another group of not infected men and women (and everyone asks frequently: "Are you infected?") which includes a female preteen who should be too young to see this movie spends all of their time trying to get through what looks like an abandoned hospital that looks to have been under siege. At one point one of the women says: "In 24 hours the sun will come up." Why it takes 24 hours for the sun to come up was never answered. Why if they can't get to a motorized big metal gate it won't open and they will be trapped inside with lots of vampire/zombies is also never answered. But you just know large and in charge puffy faced sword flashing long coat wearing blues singing Steven Seagal will protect that little preteen girl from the evil even more bloated vampire/zombies who gently run their fingers through her hair like it's Dateline NBC. At another point in the film one of the non infected is kidnapped by a long haired Romanian guy who starts to explain in an unintelligible accent how his little preteen blonde daughter is a "new" race. The daughter then looks lustfully at the older guy who's tied up until Big Steve impales her with his great big samurai sword. OK some of you who loved the little fast moving zombie girl in the Dawn remake will like this too. It's a fun goofy bloody mixture of martial arts zombies vampires will the military kill the good guys fast paced time waster.
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