absolutely nothing special
19 January 2009
Well, the problem is not with the cast, since "American Beauty's" Kevin Spacey's is almost flawless; the flaw on the contrary lies in the script, rather than in his or Kate Winslet's performances. Tiatanic's stars does what she can and she has to (in spite of a cliché part) but it's hard to see how anyone could have salvaged the part. Surprises are not lacking but the film's ending/solution is a little dishonest. Due to the gimmick (and unlike the great "Dead Man Walking, this is a movie that death penalty opponents are unlikely to embrace). In fact the point of the flick appears to be that the debate can't be won on logic or morality and so what is requested is just shock but it's a point uneasy to keep. "The Life of David Gale" is well acted as said (Laura Linney is good too) but ends up failing in the most fundamental way because it's a bad drama and worse politics.
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