Silent Hill: Homecoming (2008 Video Game)
Pretty good, I think - little terrifying, and the combat's great
16 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The summary basically describes my thoughts on this game. I liked it, but I don't think it holds a candle to Silent Hill 2, but then again I had the static turned off and the screen rather bright. Anyway, my favorite part of this game was probably the combat system. I love being able to dodge around my opponents and use different kinds of attacks, not to mention having at least some enemies to fight that same way. For example, the Needler's would attack and you could dodge them- they were freaking hard to strike at times, but fun to fight in that they could block your attacks.

The graphics... eh, they were alright, though I didn't expect much more than what they are. The blood effects they had were certainly awesome. But before you enter Silent Hill the (first?) time, when in... I think it's the Bartlett family crypt or something like that, it looked like something from an older game like Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories, in my opinion.

I think the voice acting was good, but I've never been able to really judge those.

All together, though, I'd give the game a seven. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes that kind of combat system, for sure, as long as you don't mind a little terror along the way.
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