Down with the West !
14 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
For the record, I watched this movie only because my whole family was watching it on Christmass Eve. After watching whole movie I got stuck with feeling that this movie could be really good movie if the crew sticked to the basic story in the script. This story was when fallen rock singer, who sold his soul to the devil and made huge success in folk music, gets his body switched with young boy who is struggling with his band to make it on rock scene. The idea was good, getting back to the roots for the folk star and showing young boy the other real side of the fame and glory. This could made a good movie, not a classic as the first part of "trilogy" but decent, enjoyable movie, but NO everything in Serbia has to fall to the trends, starting with film-making. The movie is packed with commercials for this and that, high school is made to look like American, bunch of crap was shoved in movie (like Chinese trade centers, DJ Krmak etc). Some actors gave good performance, others succeeded only to irritate and lure the curses from audience. I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone except those who enjoy typical brainless "entratainment" filled with latest hypes and popular actors. I'm left with painful feeling that this could be good movie and hoping that the original would combust and all copies will be destroyed.
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