Six of one, half dozen of the other...
10 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The GUYVER series is a textbook example of what can (and often does) go wrong when anime is translated for "American audiences" by American filmmakers who don't have a clue. The first six episodes of this series (the only six I've got) are light years ahead of what was being hacked out in this country around the same time. Vastly entertaining (especially when compared to Americanimation), the GUYVER stories unfold in a sometimes suspenseful, often frightening, but always- always- entertaining fashion. The Japanese storytellers don't talk down to their audience(s) the way the clueless Americanimators do. The dubbing is sometimes not as dramatic as one might like (something sometimes gets lost in translation), but it's still far superior to the live-action version of THE GUYVER (with Mark Hamill in the lead!).
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