9 January 2009
The most manipulated, contrived show you're ever likely to see. HOW this man can sleep at night is certainly "Beyond" me! People like this exploit grieving families who are so desperate to believe that their loved one is still with them somehow, that they blindly swallow the info that he "tells" them, never questioning the fact that he does NOTHING! He asks questions, takes guesses, makes bland and banal statements that could be applicable to half the people in the room, and pretends that he is receiving the information from heaven! The saddest part is that so many people are taken in by people like this, and allow people like Van Praagh and Sylvia Brown etc to prostitute the memory of their loved ones, and make themselves very rich in the process. If you have ever paid to hear or see one of these people, or bought one of their books, then you have my deepest sympathy. Your loved ones deserve better, and so do you.
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