Not that bad...really!
5 January 2009
Jon Heder stars as a pathetic meter maid who enrolls in a confidence-building course under the tutelage of Billy Bob Thornton, who undertakes the role of turning him and the rest of his class into lions. As Heder's confidence grows, he begins to show his true interest in the girl across the hall from his own apartment, but things really take a turn for the worse as Thornton pretends to show an interest in the girl, too, in an effort to get Heder to the next level.

I thought this film would be one of those teenager flicks that would be profanity every other word, but it wasn't. The premise of the movie was all right, but the plot probably could have used a little more work. Someone turned me onto this film, telling me that it would not be at all like I expected, and I rather enjoyed the time I spent watching it, but, looking back, it seemed like there's something missing to the film. The chemistry between Thornton and Heder was very good but it just lacked that "something" that would have made this a great film. Thornton has had those roles lately that just make you want to hate him (Mr. Woodcock, for example), and I feel that he has a range of much more than he's been trying to accomplish, lately. It just felt like the cast and crew just sat down, laid out the movie plot, then filmed it.

7 out of 10 stars.
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