This Film Made Me Fall In Love With Cinema Again...
4 January 2009
I was beginning to lose faith in humanity. Many of the films I had seen in recent times were so badly conceived that I was beginning to lose my passion for film.

I had heard about Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, because it was on people's favourite movie lists, and was a top IMDb film. When I saw it on sale, I bought it, and that's when it all happened. I fell in love with cinema again.

I'm not going to go into the details of the many characters and situations in this film. Suffice it to say, it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. I have the largest film collection of anyone I know, and this film is without a doubt in my top ten. It is full of love, nostalgia and beauty.

Both versions of this film are great, but angle the overall piece in different ways. The extended version (director's cut) concentrates a lot on the aftermath of the love story, and is essential viewing for anyone who loves this film. You can easily fall in love with this film watching the shortened version only, however.

Overall, I am back in love with cinema, and this incredible film is the one and only reason for this. The word "masterpiece" was created for this movie.
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