31 December 2008
A good idea let down by heavy-handed production.

Quite a bit of the dialogue was unintelligible because of the level of music/background sound, and this didn't help this reviewer. Nor did the Welsh accents, pretty impenetrable at times. Towards the end I lost the will to live trying to follow the dialogue.

This movie didn't know whether to be a farce or a black comedy - and they require different approaches. Some of the incidents were laid on so thick that they only merited a groan, some were so unbelievable even for this sort of plot that they made the story just not worth following.

The acting was in the main good - although the American just came over as a clone of the "Back to the future" mad scientist. The little boy was very good.

I did watch it all the way through but God knows why: I can't remember laughing once.
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