Grand Theft Auto IV (2008 Video Game)
Not enough good things to say..
26 December 2008
This is the best game I have ever played, period. The graphics, the detail, the voice acting, everything about this game is perfect. It would be pretty damn hard to find a fault. Honestly, I've never played a game like this. At first it was just okay, then it was better than okay, and now I'm officially hooked. I never want this game to end, and I honestly believe it outshines San Andreas by many miles, which used to be my favourite game. Liberty City has never looked so good; you'd never believe it was the same city as that of the third game. Everything is polished to perfection, the lighting is just exquisite, the way the main character walks makes him look like a real living person. There are so many pedestrians I've never seen the same one twice yet. Lately games seem to forget the storyline and making a game good and focus on the graphics. This game has proved to me that gaming is not dead yet, and that good, no in this case AMAZING, games can still be made. You'll never have played anything like this. And that's a promise.
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