The Cheaters (1945)
"My Man Godfrey" meets "It's a Wonderful Life", almost
25 December 2008
My wife and I just watched this movie at 4AM Christmas Day for the first time. It was very enjoyable. I liked how Mr. M. worked "A Chritmas Story" into the situation. We thought we recognized the old farm house as the same house/set used in "Bringing Up Baby" with Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn. Was Baby a tiger or leopard? Always nice to see Billie Burke. Can't imagine anyone else as the Glinda the Good Witch. I laughed when she said "..and we ALL have to do this next year!..". Anyone else saying it and it would have fallen "flat". Not surprised that Connecticut is the location for the characters change of heart. Hollywood has been sending rich New Yorkers here for years to mend there mendacious ways.
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