Garfield's Fun Fest (2008 Video)
This is a Sin!
23 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I could not stand this movie. It is easily the worst Garfield movie of all time. I wouldn't have even starred it, if not for Garfield. I absolutely hated the theme, the "surprise" was totally uncalled for, and the animation was worse than even "Gets Real". I won't reveal what the surprise was, but let's just say it's something that a 3-year-old would think of.

My 8-year-old sister hated Fun Fest. She said it missed what Garfield was all about, and she's the target audience! And since I, a teenager, dared to watch it, I have much more to say.

Where's the philosophy of being lazy? Gone. In its place is a dumb talent show. Garfield in love with Arlene? The buck-toothed beauty always had a love-hate relationship with the fat cat. Although I enjoyed finally seeing a real female lead in Garfield, she was a far cry from the sarcastic and smart Arlene-in fact, more like Penelope from "Garfield 'n Friends", also a love interest of Garfield's.

Garfield competing in a talent show? Garfield thinking he's not funny enough and going on a mystical journey to find "funny water"? Ramon?! Definitely something for a true Garfield fan to skip, unless you're REALLY devoted. It departs too far from what Garfield is really about, and it may shake your belief in PAWS.

And if you're still planning to watch Pet Force, the upcoming special, I ask you to go to your local Blockbuster and check out "Here Comes Garfield". Still going to watch it now? Then you must be like me-really bored and looking for something to pass the time while the library gets your latest copies of MST3000.
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