21 December 2008
(That's me cringing at the aftertaste of "Murder Rock," one of my favorite director's worst efforts.) As it started out I had high hopes, with the ethnic kids break dancing, the horrible music and the random shots of the New York City skyline, I thought: wow, is this gonna be as cool as "Ripper?" Nah...not even close.

The gore is non-existent, the plot is ludicrous, the acting is abysmal and the music is nerve-racking. I love how everyone who gets killed does not defend themselves against what has to be the single scariest weapon in Italian horror movie history: the RAG! Wow, did they forget how to use their hands? Come on guys, let's have a little believability in this next scene...nope. It continues 'til the end. It's like they were paralyzed by the chloroform before it even touched their mouths.

When we find out who the 'killer' is, it is ridiculous and implausible, for there were many murder scenes in the film where the killer could not have been two places at once. I'm willing to forgive a little bit of absurdity in a giallo provided there is some gore, good music and awesome cinematography, but "Murder Rock" delivers none of the above so I can show no mercy here.

I can dig 'bad' Fulci and I think I own every one of his movies but he missed huge with this one. My least favorite Fulci film.

3 out of 10, kids.
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