So bad, it's good-all serious movie fans should view for laughs
16 December 2008
I noticed this movie because I thought the cover was really cool looking. The first thing I thought was, is this going to be a Saw rip off (there's a saw blade shown on the cover). It wasn't, but it ripped off more movies than any of the Scary Movies. Unlike Scary Movie which was supposed to spoof other movies, this takes itself very seriously. I recommend watching this with a group of people as it will be more entertaining that way (I saw it in a group of 4).

It starts out with a group of guys planning to heist an art gallery and then meeting up at an abandoned warehouse. A woman is carjacked and brought to the warehouse. She is tied up while the crew apparently didn't rip off Reservoir Dogs enough as an imitation Steve Buscemi instead of talking about Madonna, talks about Robin Williams and what a genius he is. I can't make this up.

A series of numbers keeps appearing as well. Ghosts that look like a combination of The Ring, 13 Ghosts and Pulse characters appear.

I don't want to ruin anymore of this gem for you. We came up with this list of movies that were ripped off for this film: Reservoir Dogs,The Ring, 13 Ghosts, Pulse, Silence Of The Lambs, Hostel, The Blair Witch Project, Gothika, 8MM, Pulp Fiction and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. There's probably more, but thats what I could come up with now.

Lets hope there's a 14 Hours In A Warehouse in the works................NOT!
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