Review of Fallout 3

Fallout 3 (2008 Video Game)
High-end Roleplaying..just not for everyone..
28 November 2008
I've been reading a lot of negative comments on this title and I felt I should put my opinion out there as well, because I believe most of those comments come from people that have either not played the game at all, or are no RPG gamers in the first place. That is exactly, first and foremost, what this game is..a huge, intelligent RPG, that takes time, effort and brains to complete. There are a few minor mistakes (like the same voices being used for many of the different interactive characters), but in my opinion, the sheer volume and content of the game itself, makes up for those mistakes.

Im 32hrs into the game at this point, and I've only completed 2 objectives of the main quest. It is MASSIVE, and I can see how it could be overwhelming for non-rpg gamers or those new to the genre, because of the side-quests (it's hard not to lose yourself in them). If you're used to having your hand held through-out the games you usually play, than this is certainly not for you. The story takes place, as in any Fallout game, in a world laid to waste by a nuclear holocaust..So that means; no big cities or the comforts they provide, no crowds of people everywhere you look, not even a beautiful woman passing you by on the street..because there aren't any. You'll be spending a lot of time on your own, with no one around to help or assist you in any way. It is the ultimate sandbox experience, with nothing but a main quest (to find your father) and no leads to his whereabouts whatsoever, to begin your game with. Everything else, you'll have to figure out, discover, or force out of the world and its inhabitants on your own. But when you do, the world created by Bethesda slowly opens up and shows you just how gigantic and detailed it truly is. What at first glance seems like a barren, godforsaken wasteland, slowly unveils itself as a giant testament to the survival of civilization as a whole..whether that be human or that of a sub-species, and against any odds.

Unprecedented player choice is the main theme. You can lie, steal, murder, charm or work your way into completing your objectives. Be a goody-goody, a beacon of hope for the lost souls out there, become their worst fear or morally as grey as a clouded sky. The choice, up to you. Now I have played a lot of rpg's and interactive movies in my days, but I have never played anything that was so free and interactive as the world (AND STORY) presented to you in Fallout 3.

And yes, I know the comments, like; it's not Fallout 1&2..yaddayadda, but it's not trying to be. It's a stand-alone game, with a stand-alone story set in a universe that is definitely recognizable as a Fallout universe and let no one tell you anything different than that! Sure, it runs on the Oblivion-engine, and while I didn't like The Elder Scrolls AT ALL, it doesn't bother me.

So to wrap it up, Fallout 3 is a genuine RPG mixed with a bit of shooter, wrapped in a massive explorable world and is good for more than a 100 hours of gameplay. A must have/play for RPG and Adventure fans, but unfortunately..not for anyone else.
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