Review of Testees

Testees (2008)
18 November 2008
I love It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia and I even enjoyed Kenny Vs. Spenny (Kenny Hotz's previous show), but this show is completely awful.

The humor is the lowest and stupidest I've ever seen. The idea is even stupid, and the name Testees makes the show even more unappealing. I usually like crude, stupid humor like this, but this just does not hit mark. There is really no satire or anything interesting in the humor.

As an added bonus, the actors are horrible. I've seen 14-year-olds on YouTube act better.

I do not see any room for improvement in this show, and it should be canceled.

I would not recommend this show to anyone. People who hate this kind of humor will obviously find it stupid, but people who like this kind of humor will even find it stupid. There is just something about the tone, acting, and writing that doesn't work.
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