Neighbours: Episode #1.5527 (2008)
Season 1, Episode 5,527
"There was a time when my family didn't trust me.So you're not alone."
17 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Another example of what a bitter and intolerant person Susan can be... most of the time, really.You wonder why she bothered taking Karl back, since here we see her being ridiculously suspicious of him when he isn't actually behaving suspicious at all.After all, it's not as though he's hiding the fact that he's meeting with Nicola, instead he's having chats with her in the street, which isn't exactly how you normally behave when you're having an affair.

Mind you, Nicola does make some very questionable decisions in this episode, with her taking an illegal blood sample from Pete right in front of a police officer.That one's gonna come back to bite her.

And more Josh/Declan/Bridget nonsense.None of them come over particularly well in this, the boys being ridiculously macho and Bridget having frankly appalling taste in men.Not to mention Declan completely failing to notice Josh's "Bridget's standing right behind you" behaviour.
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