If there is anyone who can pass for a superhero, it would be Jackie Chan
16 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine taking over the movie industry with your breathtaking stunts. What next? How about a cartoon starring, you? Thats what Jackie Chan did and it works; Jackie Chan has wowed the audience for years in movies and made them laugh at his innovative martial arts which combine comedy and martial arts, before it became a property for children's action movies. Here we are meant to believe that Jackie Chan is an archaeologist who with his Uncle collect rare artifacts until his niece Jade comes along and chaos ensues as an evil organisation known as 'Dark Hand' who possess power over shadow ninjas...and so Jackie must fight the forces of evil and be a model uncle to niece Jade.

The show has some unique backgrounds, thats something I love; the building are coloured but the colours don't stay in the lines...If you know what I mean....

Now the action...Its pure Jackie and its amazing how the fight scenes are transfered onto a cartoon and how it works brilliantly. Next is the comedy which is hilarious especially Jade who is adorable and keeps the laughs coming.

A very innovative and stylish show from a very innovative man!
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